
Irlandzki wieczór opowieści i muzyki


Niedziela 9 Marca godz. 16.30 – Dom Polski (20 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2)
John Day zagra na akordeonie na typowo irlandzka nute.
Richard Marsh zauroczy nas tradycyjnymi irlandzkimi opowiesciami i legendami.
Skosztujemy typowej dublinskiej zupy ‚Coddle’ i oczywiscie irlandzkiej kawy na deser!
Wstep: wolny dla czlonkow i dzieci, pozostali €3


An Irish Afternoon of Music & Stories

Sunday 9th of March at 4.30pm – Polish House (20 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2)
Musician John Day will entertain us with various tunes on his accordion and Seanchaí (storyteller) Richard Marsh will take us on an adventure through enchanted lands as he regales us with his faerie tales and folklore legends.
A traditional taste of Dublin – Coddle – will be served with Irish Coffee for dessert!
Admission: free for members and children, non-members pay €3.